"30 Hilarious Jokes You will Never Forget"

Hilarious Jokes

Hilarious and Stupid Jokes

Step right into the world of laughter with our collection of Hilarious Jokes that will tickle your funny bone and leave you in stitches! These aren’t your run-of-the-mill jokes; they’re the kind that make you snort, giggle, and maybe even do a little happy dance. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of Hilariously Funny Jokes that are sure to brighten up even the gloomiest of days. Picture this a gathering of friends, a cozy evening, and a handful of Hilarious Stupid Jokes that break the ice and set the mood for unforgettable moments. Our curated selection of jokes is designed to bring joy and laughter to any situation. You won’t find these gems just anywhere – they’re handpicked to guarantee maximum chuckles.

Imagine sharing a meal with loved ones and sprinkling the conversation with Hilarious Stupid Jokes that have everyone at the table in fits of laughter. It’s the kind of joy that creates lasting memories and strengthens bonds. Our jokes are not just funny; they’re memory-makers, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.Our Twitter, FaceBook and Pintrest accounts are for updates as well.

Hilarious Jokes

All the madmen in the madhouse were dancing.
A madman was sitting quietly.
Doctor thought this madman was cured.
So, the doctor asked this madman. “Why are you sitting quietly?”
Madman spoke. “Stupid I am the bride.”

Hilarious Jokes

Two women were sentenced to 20 years in prison. After spending 20 years in prison together,
when both of them were released, they said to each other while laughing.
“Now we continue conversation after reaching home.”

Hilarious Jokes

A man saw a lion in the forest. He quickly lay down on the ground and held his breath.
The lion came close to him and spoke. “That Trick’s work on Bear, not me.”

Hilarious Jokes

A man said putting the mobile phone to his ear. “Hello, who is speaking?”
A voice came from the other side. “I am speaking.”
The man spoke “It is big surprise. Even from this side, I am speaking.”

Hilarious Jokes

A young man had been seeing his beautiful fiancée for a long time. Girl blushed and said. “What are you looking at?
Young man said. “I was thinking how beautiful I would be if you were my mother.”

Hilarious Jokes

Teacher: “Why do hens have short legs?”
Student: “If the hens had long legs, the eggs would fall from the top and break.”

Hilarious Jokes

A young girl said to her fiancée. “I will share all your sorrows after marriage.”
Fiancée said. “But I don’t have any sorrow.”
Girl said. ” I’m talking about after marriage.”

Hilarious Jokes

Father: “Were the questions easy on the exam?”
Son: “The questions were easy, but the answers were difficult.”

Hilarious Jokes

Boy: “Will you go on a date with me?”
Girl: “Let’s go to the principal.”
Boy said worriedly. “Sister, I was just kidding.”
Girl: “Stupid we are going to ask the principal for leave.”

Hilarious Jokes

Two football players were talking. One of them said.
“One day I threw the football so high that it came back two hours later.”
Other said. “It is nothing. I threw a football so high one day that it came back two days later and there was a note with it.
On it was written that this football should not come to the moon in the future.”

Hilarious Jokes

Patient to Doctor: “”Are you familiar with applying stitches?””
Doctor said: “Yes”
The patient said, holding out his shoe to the doctor: “Stitch up my slipper.”

Hilarious Jokes

Father-in-law was beating his son-in-law.
Someone asked. “Why are you beating him?”
Father-in-law replied. “His wife messaged him from the hospital that you have become a father, this bastard forwarded the message to all his friends.”

Hilarious Jokes

First friend: “Why are you so worried?”
Second friend: “My wife charges me two dollar for each kiss.”
First friend: “You are very lucky, otherwise she charges four dollars per kiss from the rest of the people of the neighborhood.”

Hilarious Jokes

A man sitting in the office received information that he had won the prize for the Paris tour in competition.
He immediately telephoned his wife happily. “Darling, do you want to see Paris?”
Wife said happily. “”I’ve always dreamed of going to Paris, and I definitely plan to go with you.”But Who are you speaking?”

Hilarious Jokes

A man opened a new sweet shop. He needed an employee. He mentioned about this to a friend.
Friend asked him. “what qualities do you want in your employee. Is age or experience a priority for you?”
Man replied. “All these things are irrelevant. No condition is required. Employee should only be diabetic patient.”

Hilarious Jokes

A gentleman said: “The whole life is spent in fear
first from the parents, then from the teachers,

 then from the officers, then from death and then from the account of deeds before God after death.”
I asked: “You didn’t mention your wife.”
He said: “I did not mention my wife out of her fear.”

Hilarious Jokes

Two madmen were sleeping in the yard when suddenly it started raining. 

A madman said: “Hey buddy, stand up. Let’s head inside; there’s a hole in the sky.”
In the meantime, when the lightning flashed, the other madman said: “Sleep comfortably, the welding staff have also come.”

Hilarious Jokes

Wife: “You promised to love me even after we tie the knot.”
Husband: “Actually I had no idea that my wedding would be with you.”

Hilarious Jokes

Only bachelors can change the conditions of the country.
Married men can’t even change TV channels of their own free will.

Hilarious Jokes

When two madmen went to drink water, the glass was upside down. One madman spoke. “Mouth of this glass is closed.”
Other madman spoke. “It is also broken from the bottom.”

Hilarious Jokes

Wife: “Do you love me?”
Husband: “Yes”
Wife: “Then why don’t you care about me?”
Husband: “Lovers don’t care about anyone.”

Hilarious Jokes

Father: “Did you see that the neighbor’s daughter came first in her class?”
Son: “That’s the reason, Dad—I’ve been watching her closely throughout the entire year. That’s why I couldn’t pass the exam.”

Hilarious Jokes

A man wanted to smoke at night. He started searching for the matchbox,
but he could not find the matchbox. Finally, hopelessly, he extinguished the candle and fell asleep.

Hilarious Jokes

A man went to a museum. There he accidentally broke a cup. The museum officer spoke angrily. “You broke a five thousand year old cup.”
Man spoke. “Thank God, the cup was not new.”

Hilarious Jokes

Boy: “I want a girl who doesn’t eat or drink much, always keep quiet and listen to her husband.”
Girl: “That kind of girl is typically found in the ICU.”

Hilarious Jokes

Father: “What are you doing?”
Son: “I am reading.”
Father: “Wow! Very good, what are you reading?”
Son: “Messages from your future daughter-in-law.”

Hilarious Jokes

Teacher: “How many legs does a buffalo have?”
Student: “Sir, even a fool can answer this.”
Teacher: “That’s why I’m asking you”

Hilarious Jokes

Teacher: “Can you tell 5 animals name living in the water?
Student: “Frog.”
Teacher: “Great job! Now, can you share the names of the remaining four?”
Student: “Frog’s mom, dad, brother, and sister.”

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