"Bad Jokes That You Never Ignore"

Brace yourself for a wild ride through the cringe-worthy landscape of bad jokes at JokeMock! Our latest blog post is a hilarious expedition into the realm of humor that’s so bad, it’s good. Get ready to unleash a cascade of groans and giggles with our curated collection of the worst jokes you’ll love to hate.

At JokeMock, we believe that laughter comes in all shapes and sizes, and bad jokes have a unique charm of their own. Join us as we navigate through puns that make you roll your eyes, punchlines that miss the mark (by a mile!), and wordplay that’s so cheesy, it’s practically an art form.

But here’s the catch – our bad jokes aren’t just cringe-worthy; they’re intentionally terrible, and that’s what makes them oddly delightful. It’s a celebration of the absurd, a tribute to the jokes that defy expectations and leave you with a smirk on your face. Our Social Media(FacebookPintrestTwitter) are used share daily jokes upadtes.

Bad Jokes

“Hello brother, how is life going?”  A tourist inquired from a local farmer.

Farmer said: “Brother! With great fun, I was about to cut down these trees 

when a strong storm hit and all these trees fell down automatically.  

One day, when I thought of cutting the grass, lightning struck and 

all the grass was burnt to ashes and I was saved from pain of cutting grass.”

“Very nice! What are intentions now?” Tourist asked.

Farmer replied innocently:  “Now I am waiting for earthquake so that ground below goes up and thus

 I will avoid the trouble of uprooting potato crop.”

One person got a job in the zoo. The job was to sit in a cage wearing the skin of a leopard at appointed time.

 The cage next to leopard belonged to the lion. There was a door between the two cages. 

One day door was left open and lion came into the cage of leopard. 

Leopard-like person started shouting: “Lion has come, lion has come.”

Lion brought his mouth close to leopard-like man’s ear and said,

 “keep silent otherwise we both will lose our jobs.”

At night, a child was crying a lot, his grandmother said to the child’s mother. 

“Daughter-in-law, give baby lullaby, it will surely sleep.”

When the child’s mother started giving lullaby, voice came from the flat above. 

“It is better to let the baby cry than this lullaby.”


Some friends of a miser came home to meet him. Miser ordered his servant to make tea. 

So, the servant went to the kitchen to make tea. 

Miser made his friends sit in the drawing room and went into the kitchen and said to his servant. 

“Make tea without sugar by adding less milk and more water.”

When the servant made tea according to the order of miser and served it to the guests, 

miser spoke. “There is no sugar in a cup. Tomorrow we will all be guests in the house of the friend who will get the sugar free cup.”

All friends drank tea in silence. A friend even said that there is too much sugar in his cup.

A dentist said to his wife while mentioning one of his patients. 

” He hasn’t paid my fees for six months. Today I will definitely receive my money from him.”

Saying this, the dentist went out. After some time, when he returned, his face was telling that he did not receive his money. 

Wife spoke. “It seems you didn’t get your money.”

Dentist replied. ” He didn’t give me money and even bit me using my own teeth.”

A criminal said to the judge as he heard the sentence for theft. “Sir, it has been proved that my right hand committed the theft, 

but where is the justice that you are imprisoning my whole body?”

The judge said with a smile. “Ok, your right hand will remain in prison. If you want, 

you can leave your right hand in prison.”

The criminal also smiled. He removed his wooden hand and placed it on the judge’s table and left.

A woman died. Only a few hours were left for the funeral. Her husband was severely suffering from grief. 

Tears were streaming down on husband’s cheeks. Now as the time of burial was approaching, the husband’s grief was increasing.

A close friend wiped husband’s tears and said. “Patience my friend, Tell me what can I do for you?”

The husband said in a sad tone. Bring my laptop. “

“Laptop for what?” The friend asked in surprise.

The husband wiped his tears and said, “I have to make my status single on Facebook.

One man said to another man: “I have been mentioned in the newspaper”

“What is written?” Second man asked,

First man replied: “It is written in the newspaper that the population of the country has increased to 150 million.”

Second man asked, “Where is your mention in this?”

First man replied: ” I’m one of the 150 million people as well.”

Two cockroaches were sitting in a corner talking. One cockroach said: “What should I tell you brother?

 Bad time has come. Someone wretched has opened a hotel in the building above.

 I have fallen ill looking at the dishes that shine like silver, the cleanly washed floors and the shiny new chairs. 

Now will have to settle somewhere else.”

“Repentance,” said the second cockroach. ” Living in a super clean place might not be good for your health.”

A man went to a hotel. There was no empty table to sit. 

Couples were sitting on all the tables. When the man did not find any table empty to sit, he became very worried. 

His girlfriend was arriving in a little while. So, in any case he wanted to get an empty table. 

Then suddenly a suggestion came to his mind. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and put it to his ear and spoke in a very loud voice. 

“Come quickly sir, your wife is currently sitting with a man in the hotel.”

After saying this, the man put the mobile phone in his pocket. Then within just thirty seconds, 

seven couples disappeared from there. So, the man sat comfortably at a table.


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