"Funny Jokes To Tell Your Friends"

Dive into the comedic universe of JokeMock, where laughter reigns supreme! Our latest blog post is a riotous rollercoaster ride through the wittiest, quirkiest, and downright hilarious funny jokes that will tickle your funny bone like never before. At JokeMock, we understand the healing power of laughter, and our curated collection of funny jokes is designed to turn even the gloomiest frown upside down. From clever one-liners to side-splitting anecdotes, our arsenal of humor is ready to bring a burst of joy to your day. Explore the lighter side of life with our handpicked selection of funny jokes that cater to every taste and sense of humor.

Whether you’re a fan of puns, observational humor, or quick-witted punchlines, JokeMock has you covered. Our Social Media(FacebookPintrestTwitter) are used share daily jokes upadtes.

funny jokes

Woman said after looking carefully at the beggar. “You seem familiar. Have we met before?”

Beggar spoke. “Madam, we are friends on Facebook.”

Teacher: “Why can’t we see stars in the sky during the day?”

Student: “They are afraid of the sun so they hide.”

Miser asked his son. “Son, who is at the door?”

Son replied. “Dad, some people have come to ask for donations for the swimming pool.”

Miser said, “Okay, give them a glass of water.”

A man said to the beautiful air hostess. “You look like my wife”

Air hostess said angrily. “Stop the nonsense.”

Man spoke. “You also have same tongue like my wife.”

Husband:  “I work from home as if I’m in an office; I expect a monthly salary.”

Wife: ” Okay, I’ll pay you every month, but if the work isn’t good, I might hire someone else”

If a girl falls in love with a boy, the family asks, “tell who is that donkey?”

And if a boy falls in love with a girl, the family  asks, “hey donkey, tell who is that girl?”

A madman was sleeping in a mosquito net. Suddenly he saw a firefly flying outside the mosquito net.

Madman spoke. “O my God, save me. This cruel mosquito is looking for me with a torch today.

A man was shouting while watching a movie at home, idiot don’t sign, mad will get stuck.

Wife asked. “What movie are you watching?”

Man said with a cold sigh, “I am watching my wedding movie.”

A boy was going with his sister on a bicycle. A man said, “Your girlfriend is very beautiful.”

Boy said angrily.” Bastard, this would be your girlfriend, we both are siblings.”

Doctor: “You should play cricket or tennis daily for good health.”

Patient: “But I play cricket and tennis every day.”

Doctor: “Very good, how long do you play?”

Patient: “Until the mobile battery runs out.”

While walking by the sea, the husband told his wife his sad story and said. “I don’t know how many more problems we’ll face, and I’m unsure about any strategy to solve them.”

Hearing this, the wife replied: “Don’t worry about it at all, because I have a very simple solution.”

The husband was pleased and asked: “Tell me what quickly.”

The wife replied: “If you dive into this ocean, your issues will be solved right away, with top priority”

Judge. “It’s a shame that you committed seven thefts in a week.”

Accused. “Sir, what’s the shame in that? There are only seven days in a week,

if there were eight days in a week, so I would show it by doing eight thefts.”

A man fell into the river. When he began to drown, he began to shout loudly. “Save me, save me.”

A man passing by the shore asked him. “Don’t you know how to swim?”

Drowning man replied. “No, I never learned to swim.”

Passer-by said. “Learn to swim well now, this good opportunity will not come again.

Teacher asked to student: “Tell me, why are the stars not visible during the day?”

Student replied: “They sleep in the day because they’re awake all night..”

Husband: “You do not respect any of my relatives.”

Wife: “I must admit, I like your mother-in-law better than mine..”

judge to accused: “Why did you beat him after taking the wallet?”

Accused: “Because the wallet was empty.

First madman: “I wonder how a chick comes out of an egg?”

Second madman: “Even more surprising is how the chick gets into the egg?”

A professor had male weakness. That is why his wife was not happy with him.

One day they decided to raise chickens at home to get eggs.

So the professor’s wife brought a hen and seven cocks from the market.

The professor asked in surprise. “So many cocks for one hen.”

The wife replied with a cold sigh. “There is only one cock among them, all the others are professors.”

A new teacher was trying to make use of her knowledge of child psychology to make the children learn better.

 She began her class by saying, ‘If anyone of you consider yourself a fool, please stand up.”

After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up. Teacher said, “Do you think you’re stupid, Johnny?”

“No Ma’am,” But I dislike seeing you standing up there all alone”

A school kid asks his teacher, “Does the law of gravity really keep us grounded on Earth?”

Teacher replied. “Yes.”

Kid asked again. “Then what thing kept us on earth before the law was passed?”

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